According to Jonathan Coulton, who is, hands-down, the most thorough researcher in the world, he played for the Black Socks, and he always wore his black socks, but he never wore no shoes.
Coulton is actually a very talented and hardworking musician. Information about the song referenced above can be found here.
Now, back to the next-most-recent tangent:

Waa-Laa! Yeah, I know it's red, not black, but it's getting late. Now I've got to load the dishwasher and get ready for bed. Need plenty of sleep so I'll be able to bring my A-game to tomorrow's career fair!
Yep. I'm having one of those episodes again. I've recently come to grips with the fact that I'm weighed down by an unfulfilling job that leaves me with little time or energy to do things I actually enjoy. Deep down I know I should be working on my fitted gown, but I'm finding it so much more convenient to pick up some knitting instead of hauling out yards of fabric, cutting board, and all the other tailoring implements necessary to the project. Not a lot to report on that front, other than my decision that the grey-ish cotton/linen blend I snagged for $3/yd would enjoy lining the sleeves and bodice of the wool gown. Just gotta run it through some laundry torture.
So, specifically, what's the big distraction this time?
Socks. Red wool toe-up socks. I put the pink and grey yarn (I think I mentioned that already ... ?) on the waiting list, because, really, RED wool sockies! That is a must-have item, at least in my book. I snagged some gold/brown patterned sock yarn at the same time as the red, for another future project.
Oh, yeah. And I'm actively looking for a better job. It may involve relocation, but that's fine. I'll definitely miss the friends I've made over the past few years, but social media and whatnot will help us keep in touch while I'm making new friends and starting down a more satisfying career path. And maybe I'll have some babies. Time will tell ...
Project Fitted Gown is well and truly under way. Today I spent a little time reading up on fitting and construction tips and began drafting my pattern (first onto grid paper, then to muslin). I'm using a double layer of muslin for the two front panels to get a more accurate idea of the final fit once everything is transferred to the fashion fabric and lining. To conserve fabric - yes, I know it's inexpensive, but I really don't want to risk having to make a special shopping trip for that - the back panels will be single layers with strips of fabric basted along the anticipated stress lines at the seams and the horizontal bust, under-bust, waist, and hip levels.
I am also aware that draping the pattern would give me an even tighter fit, but I'm a bit of an isolated seamstress. I find it terribly frustrating to teach my husband how to take photographs while I'm modelling garb; I'm not about to risk massive blood loss by having him baste me into a fabric shell.
Two months from now, Gulf Wars will be in full swing, and I'd love to have my blue wool gown and maybe my parti-colored Gleann Abhann gown finished in time to pack. Hope my musical sewing mice are up to the challenge!
Just gotta do some buttons and buttonholes ...Oh, and find some less-obviously-mundane pins to keep the "wings" in check.However, it's rather cold in my house today and I think I'll put my mittens on as soon as I hit the button to publish this entry!
I'm on the Wikipedia now!
The other night I was looking over my Flickr account and I'd been left a message from a Welsh gentleman asking if I'd be interested in changing the license on a photo of my gold Monmouth cap so it could be added to an article. This is part of a project to get the people of Monmouthshire involved in developing a cluster of articles about their corner of the world - notable people, events, and artifacts associated with Monmouth.
Well, I've made some progress on the hood, just, you know, not a whole lot. I've been distracted for a few days, knitting my first ever pair of full mittens and writing the pattern. They're not strictly A&S material, as I used purl stitch (whether or not this is period-appropriate is debatable) and didn't bother to look beyond a few period paintings and one photo of an extant child's mitten. Still, they may be able to squeak by in a costume review.
Now that my hands are suitably clad for the rest of winter I can maybe turn my attention back to tying up the loose ends on the hood and get down to business patterning my wardrobe for event season.

Happy January, everyone! 2012 seems to be starting off on the right foot (for my household, anyway), but I suspect it will take some active encouragement to keep moving in a generally positive direction.
I'm doing some pen-and-paper work in preparation for the next big project, a long-sleeved kirtle or GFD in blue wool. In order to keep a closer eye on my progress I've purchased a separate binder to store notes and sketches and detailed drawings related to the single active garb project I will allow myself at any given time. It'll also contain a log for how much time I spend working on the piece - from pattern layout through construction to the finishing details. I know I'll need to do some fittings to work out the fit through the torso, the depth of the sleeve head, and the scoop of the neckline before I can touch my wool yardage. Once I've created a working pattern, however, I can use it for my Kingdom Colors Parti-Dress (black and red linen GFD) and a green cottolin supportive under-gown. Three birds with one stone.
Also in the coming months I want to do a full inventory of my fabric stash and get a better organization and storage system set up in my craft room.
So I guess my overarching resolution for this year is to inject a little Type A Personality into my project management and domestic maintenance.